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5/10/13 Weekly Grace Notes: Are You Plugged In?

The most fuel-efficient cars today are plug-in hybrid electric cars, which utilize rechargeable batteries that can be restored to full charge by connecting a plug to an external electric power source. Experts argue that these fuel-efficient vehicles reduce pollution in our environment, eliminate our dependence on foreign sources for supply, and save us in costs. Beyond the logical implications, this leads me to wonder whether there is something we can learn spiritually from this latest innovation.

Might the extent to which we can minimize drama in our lives (that pollute our personal and family environments), reduce our likelihood to struggle with bad habits and addictions (that depend on foreign sources), and lessen our inclination to make poor choices and judgments (that cost us) correspond to the source from which we choose to get our spiritual power? If so, let me ask this question: do you get your spiritual strength from plugging in (to God and His Word) or by gassing up (by the world and its means)? While we will still experience to some degree the bumps, detours, traffic jams, road construction, alternate routes, fender benders, and perhaps even the car accident or two that come with living this life, I am told that one is superior in providing a smoother ride. Can you guess which one?

Scripture meditation: But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. (New Living Translation Version) Isaiah 40:31

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